SLMBR PRTY is a curated network of female creatives from all disciplines in the commercial production space.
The idea started when agency producers, Sarah Donnenberg and Leah Donnenberg were shooting the weekend of the Women’s March. They both decided to celebrate the female crew by hashtagging #WOMENONSET, while urging others to do the same. Through this effort they met a group of women (Samantha Scaffidi, Kirstin VanSkiver, Allison Anderson, Rachel Klein) shooting a piece called, “This is America” at the Women’s March in Washington D.C.
They met up back in New York (with mutual friend Elle Ginter,) and decided it would be very powerful if they got all their female friends together in one room. Jokingly, someone suggested to call it Slumber Party.
“This is America” was shot, produced, edited, and finished with an all women team, making it SLMBR PRTY’s first collaboration.
The mission of SLMBR PRTY is to connect talented women to other talented women. SLMBR PRTY is currently invite-only with network referrals, that will have monthly meetups, with the first event slated for Thursday, March 16th hosted by Voyager Creative. The network will continue to grow as more connections and friendships are made through the meetups and creative collaborations.
Interested women can also reach out to be a part of the network on the website HERE.