Indian mobile handset brand Intex Technologies has appointed Publicis India to build the brand identity of Gujarat Lions, its maiden foray into cricket’s biggest extravaganza – IPL. Intex bid successfully for the Rajkot Franchise earlier this year and christened its new team Gujarat Lions.
Mr. Keshav Bansal, Owner, Gujarat Lions & Director, Intex Technologies says, “We are pleased to appoint Publicis as our creative partner for Gujarat Lions. This is indeed an exciting and rare opportunity to build a new team identity quickly to compete with the more established teams in IPL.”
“Integrating Gujarat Lions with our parent brand, Intex will help in cross-leveraging the strengths and create a strong brand recall amongst consumers,” he further added.
Hemant Misra, CEO Publicis Capital commented: “This is a rare opportunity for us. Until now we have done many IPL campaigns for brands but to handle an IPL team is a completely new experience. It will be an understatement to say we are excited, I am already having trouble assigning this internally since everyone wants to work on this brand. We look forward to helping Gujarat Lions create a unique identity for itself in the star studded IPL galaxy.”