
Meet Hannah: LBB’s Creative Talent Lead Is Spotlighting Your People for Success

LBB’s head of department, creative talent, Hannah Baines explains smart credits, how to claim your free creative profile, and all the reasons this helps both individuals and companies alike

As part of my mission to elevate talent in the creative industry, I am leading the charge on telling adland about LBB's smart credits and free creative profiles. Whether you’re at an agency, production company or you’re a freelance talent, this space allows you to showcase your work and connect with a global network of creative professionals.

My vision is to make it easier for the world to discover and collaborate with the exceptional talent that drives innovation in the industry – and it couldn’t be easier to get the ball rolling...

LBB> What are smart credits, and how do they work?

Hannah> On LBB, we have always had static credits available on our news stories and creative work, meaning you could see the companies and people involved in making a project. However, in 2022, we invested in making all of our credits clickable, allowing over a quarter of a million people to become searchable and linked back to their company. 

By making credits interactive, it meant that our site auto-generated creative profiles for every single person ever credited on LBB, populated with all their historical work and news. Plus, as these profiles auto-update, it means that every time someone is credited on a campaign or article – whether it's been uploaded by a company they work for / with or someone else – it will show up on their personal profile.

Individuals are able to search for and claim their own profile for free, allowing it to be tied to their LBB login where they can edit their photo, job title and other details, while also helping their company's People section to look its best.

It’s pretty amazing. Many are calling it the IMDb of advertising. You can find your profile by creating a free login, going to our People section and searching your name, selecting your profile and clicking ‘Claim This Profile’. This will be sent to us to approve, and then you’re ready to go! You can then change any details you want on your profile by going to ‘My LBB’ in the top right, and selecting ‘Edit Profile’.

LBB> Why should people claim their LBB profile?

Hannah> First and foremost, it’s another way to be found. LBB profiles essentially provide a free-to-view personal creative portfolio for over 260,000 individuals. Many creatives spend time and money on manually building their own website, but struggle to really get it seen. However, with half a million people visiting LBB every month, owning your profile will boost your presence in the world of advertising at no extra cost to you. 

LBB profiles auto-update, meaning that they continue to grow every time you’re credited, so personal maintenance remains minimal.

They house your credited news, interviews, campaigns and associated Immortal Awards entries, and are totally free to view, meaning you can personalise and share your link on social media or any other self-promoting materials. There is even a space on LinkedIn for you to add your profile link…

Plus, if there’s anything already on LBB that you were involved in that you haven’t yet been credited on, you can ‘Add My Credit’ at the bottom of any piece of news or work so that, when approved, it populates your profile at the click of a button. See a short tutorial on how to do this here.

LBB> How do smart credits help companies as well as individual creatives?

Hannah> As well as giving creatives a space to house their work and news, our smart credits also help company pages on LBB to look their best. As soon as at least one person’s profile is linked to a company member of LBB, a brand new People section will appear on your company page, listing everyone who is connected so far. 

Doing this is easy. Once you’ve created a free login, you can go to ‘Edit Profile’ where you’ll see a box for your company name. Simply start typing, and select your company from the dropdown menu.

You’re also able to reorder the people on your company page by using the moving tool, so you can showcase your top talent first. Check out LBB’s People section to see what yours could look like. 

LBB> How did big brands influence this idea?

Hannah> The driving force behind making our credits smart was the fact it’s what brands asked us to help them with. Major clients such as Unilever specifically want to see the talent within creative companies and what they have done prior.

It’s an invaluable search tool for brands, agencies and educational institutions, and a single place for your company (or your clients) to find all your work, who was involved, and how to work with you. LBB is giving the creative community something that has never existed – a place for clients to find the company / talent they want to work with, and individuals somewhere they can store their work.

LBB> Is there anything else creatives can do with their profile?

Hannah> There absolutely is. You can take your profile one step further with the help of our Pro User membership

As a Pro User, you will be able to add, edit and curate the work on your profile so you have even more control of its content. We'll provide an initial profile cleanse to make sure you're tagged correctly in content that's already on LBB, and you'll have a verification badge promoting your profile in our Credits and People sections.

It also opens up opportunities to take part in our exclusive interviews for Pro Users, plus a personal invitation to our Beach at Cannes Lions! I would also be your dedicated contact for anything you need. 

Pro is currently at a half-price discount at just £99.99 per year (which is ending soon!). You can simply log in to your own LBB account and purchase Pro membership directly.

For anything related to smart credits, Pro User membership, or talent / people in general, do feel free to reach out to me at and I'd be glad to answer any questions you have!

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General LBB Intro
Little Black Book
Immortal Awards 2024: Webinar and Q&A
The Immortal Awards
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