Arni Thor Jonsson’s new film for Guide Dogs, tells the story of two brothers growing up together. One of the siblings is impacted by visual impairment as he grows but with the different types of support afforded by Guide Dogs over the years, our hero can be seen thriving in independence and continuing to prank his brother, well into adulthood. All three cast members, that play our hero through the ages are people who are visually impaired and the final scenes feature Ringo, the actor’s own Guide Dog.
Director, Arni Thor Jonsson comments, "What stood out for me about the idea was that it was a glimpse into real life. In preparation, we countered similar stories about siblings and how their lives were altered by gradual visual impairment conditions but managed with the help of Guide Dogs to maintain normal and meaningful lives. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to reflect those stories, which all have multiple layers and nuances, into a compact and concise spot. And my utmost aim was to stay true to life, stay as close to realism as possible because I am a firm believer that real life is usually more astounding than fiction. It was also a great pleasure to work with people who were visually impaired. Their positivity and honesty are what really sparkled throughout the process. And that echoes what the public should be aware of; the impressive and important work Guide Dogs do."