David Stoddart orchestrates a random act of unfairness for Kwiff. The UK's Kwiff is a mobile-only sports betting app that gives users an extra boost of excitement by randomly 'supercharging' the odds on any bet that users make. That means that while two users might make the same bet at the same time during the same game, their outcomes could end up very, very different. One player may end up with nothing, while another could get 'Kwiffed' and have a chance at a more tremendous payout.
With the help of Droga5 London, which became the client's first AOR in June, Kwiff has illustrated this totally unfair scenario in a way that even non-gamblers could understand. For the film "Random Acts of Unfairness," the agency took over an East London pub during a Premier League game. It split the bar straight down the middle with a giant, clear wall. Pub-goers watched the game from both sides of the divide and those on one end got a special surprise -- a confetti-like shower of 50- and 5-pound notes. Those on the opposite end, however, could do nothing but watch as their fellow bar patrons raked in the dough. "Be on the right side of unfair," the endline reads.