Video streaming platforms such as Netflix and Amazon Prime have seen the greatest increase in consumption of any media channel in the last two weeks, according to the latest Havas Media Group Covid-19 Media Behaviours Report.
The third iteration of Havas Media Group’s Covid-19 Media Behaviours Report, a research study into consumer behaviour and media consumption based on a survey of 1,500 UK respondents, shows that while media consumption has started to flatten out (or slightly decrease for some channels) in the last two weeks, in line with the lockdown situation stabilising, 59% of people claim to be using video streaming platforms more than they did prior to the coronavirus outbreak - a net increase of 4% versus the last set of findings two weeks ago.
When it comes to video streaming platforms, Netflix
has seen the biggest growth since the last study, with a further 4% net
increase in people saying they’re watching it more than they did prior to the
The consumption of newspaper brands, either on or offline, has seen the biggest fall in the last two weeks, with a 7% net decrease in people saying they are reading them more than they did before Covid-19 – perhaps suggesting a saturation of news content or fatigue around information on the virus.
The BBC continues to be the most trustworthy brand during the outbreak, with 68% citing it as a trusted source of information on coronavirus. Although it has seen a 1% net decrease in trustworthiness wave-on-wave, there has been a 5% net increase in trust of the brand amongst the 18 to 24-year-old age group since the last study.
While consumption of news content has seen a net decrease of 2% wave-on-wave, home and garden content has seen the biggest increase in the last two weeks as people seek to improve their environment during lockdown, with a 3% net increase in people they are consuming it more than they did prior to the outbreak. This is followed by food-related content, which has seen a 1% net increase in those claiming to consume it more than usual since the last wave, and a 7% net increase amongst 18 to 24-year-olds.
Eva Grimmett, chief strategy officer, Havas Media Group, said: “These latest findings show that trusted and meaningful media channels continue to be very important to people during the Covid-19 outbreak, although growth is now flattening out as we adjust to our new way of life. With consumers showing signs of news fatigue as lockdown continues, the entertaining content provided by streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Prime is playing an increasingly valuable role.”