The majority of UK consumers take a proactive and positive approach to their health - if something’s wrong they deal with it, but don't go to the doctors over every cough or sneeze; only 9% treat the slightest sneeze as the end of the world, while over a third of millennials (37%) think they are immortal. The results of Royal London’s online game, Just a Sneeze or Deadly Disease, that was created by VCCP, reveals the type of person someone is based on their attitude to a series of light-hearted questions ranging from what would they would do if they had a rash on their arm, to whether or not they obsessively check their symptoms on the internet. Their answers reveal whether they have an Apocalyptic, Immortal, Steady, or Trigger Happy personality.
The proactive and positive person, which was the most common type, labelled as Steady in the online game, is more likely to be female than male (59% vs 50%) and work in healthcare (65% are Steady) or accountancy, banking and finance (59%). Those who came out as Immortal - people who avoid confronting their health because they never think anything could be wrong with them - were more likely to be male than female (36% vs 25%) and work in the creative industry (52%).
Just a Sneeze or Deadly Disease runs alongside the next wave of Royal London’s advertising campaign starring Time Travelling Roy. The campaign includes national radio adverts running for two weeks from 13 to 27 November, with the ongoing TV advert available on video on demand. The campaign promotes Helping Hand, a service that is available with a range of life insurance products purchased through an adviser, giving customers access to a dedicated nurse from the start of the policy.
The quiz was developed to bridge the offline and online journey and to encourage people to engage with this topic in a fun and light-hearted way. People who played the quiz were then served different content about the Helping Hand product based on their persona.
Mona Patel, Consumer Spokesperson at Royal London, said: “The younger we are the more invincible we feel. In fact the results of our quiz show that millennials and creatives are indeed immortal! But it’s important that we all take a reality check on our health from time to time and think about whether we are doing all we can to look after ourselves.”
Play the online game Just a Sneeze or Deadly Disease and find out what type of person you are here: