Creative in association withGear Seven

This Ever-Changing Logo Reacts to Running Data

Advertising Agency
Gothenburg, Sweden
Forsman & Bodenfors uses STRAVA data to change the logo and offer a new way of visualising and sharing activity

Running brand Craft Sportswear organise recurring social runs all over the world, called Craft Social Run. They give runners the opportunity to run with coaches, socialise with the running community and try out new shoes and products from Craft.  

When creating the visual identity for Craft Social Run, creative agency Forsman & Bodenfors tapped into what runners are obsessed with the most: sharing their runs on STRAVA.  

Niklas Moberg, head of brand at Craft Sportswear said, "We embraced the most established digital behaviour within the running community, and created an ever-changing logo, made to be shared."

The result: a logo that reacts to how you run by using STRAVA data. And offers you a new way of visualising and sharing your activity.  

 Joel Zanden, developer at F&B Gothenburg said, "With data from STRAVA, we created a custom API that transforms the average pace per kilometre and the total distance into unique versions of the logo by drawing a graph within the letter 'U'."

The API is available through Craft’s STRAVA account and all social run organizers and participants can access it. The graph shows distance horizontally by adding two pixels per kilometre, and the average pace per kilometre vertically. The API uses the regular STRAVA posts, but turns the photos black and white and adds the customised Craft Social Run logo. 

Agency / Creative