Creative in association withGear Seven

SoStereo Launches Activation That Alters the Taste of Wine By Aging it with Music

Music & Sound
Los Angeles, USA
Music-for-Ads Company partners with LA based WOLVES to use musical vibrations to improve the wine’s flavour

Miami/LA based music-for-ads company, SoStereo had a party trick for you like no other this past holiday season. Want to impress your guests? The wine they sent out for the holidays was all based on music. With a core belief that music makes everything better, and a key insight that the taste of wine can be altered by music and its vibrations, SoStereo has set out to demonstrate the myriad of strong ties between sound and quality. Today marks the launch of a bespoke quarterly Wine Club with a fun musical twist. 

Many know that the condition wine is stored in can have an affect on the taste but few know vibrations can change it entirely. SoStereo have collaborated with their very own, LA-based duo Wolves, who’s music is an infectious blend of genres with Chicago & California roots. The experiment saw SoStereo produce a gig and place wine bottles next to the speakers linked up to Wolves in order for the wine to soak up the selected song’s vibrations.

Selecting the track was key. In order to generate the necessary vibrations for a deeper flavour, the team needed an upbeat, energetic song to pair with the wine. Having worked with the band previously on commercials for Chevrolet, Masterclass & Target, SoStereo knew they would have the perfect sound. They knew the vivacious performance style of Marc Avery perfectly paired with the wine. 

The wine bottles were designed in house and inspired by vintage bottle designs and art enjoyed by the team at SoStereo, as well as being a nod to the company’s roots and classic colour scheme. Each release of SoStereo wine will have a completely different style to the next. Expansions to the campaign will include aging and pairing wine with playlists and beyond!

This release is currently for existing clients of SoStereo. To subscribe to their quarterly wine club, SoStereo are asking people to share their experience of the wine on LinkedIn/Instagram and tag them. Every bottle of wine contains a unique QR code and a case is up for grabs for a lucky few. 

Beto Azout, co-founder at SoStereo comments: “We were speaking internally about how music really does make everything better, it can take something from good to great. Like a commercial or any video content for that matter. That led us to talk about other things that are globally liked… and wine was of course one of them! We knew that the condition wine is stored in can affect its taste, so why couldn't music (vibrations). The track 'Energy' was an easy choice, Wolves have a really eclectic sound & performance style and we wanted the wine to feel smoothly energised. They actually recorded three tracks for us, and we all sat in a room and listened to them. Everybody's faces lit up when this track came on which was exactly the reaction we wanted from the wine too.”