AMV BBDO has created a new campaign for ExxonMobil – ‘Small Things Can Make a Big Difference’. It launched this week and will run online on LinkedIn.
The film aims to raise the importance of industrial lubricants within management stakeholders who are not lubricant specialists.
‘Small Things Can Make a Big Difference’ tells the story about a dot. A dot is considered a small, unimportant thing, but this film shows that in fact a dot can have a major impact on business. A dot revolutionised the economy and how people interact (.com); in business how a dot behaves can be fatal (decimal point); it can make presentations clearer (bullet point) and some are worth a fortune (a sold indication dot on a painting). It is proof that in life and in business, the small things can make a big difference. The film then asks the audience how Mobil industrial lubricants can advance the productivity of their business.
The insight developed was that in life and in business, high level performance is often achieved by sweating every detail. This resulted in the creative idea – ‘Small things can make a big difference’. The aim is to imbue the idea amongst the target audience that paying attention to the small things, like industrial lubricants, can have a disproportionate impact on business.