If during the four years in office, politicians involved in corruption try to hide and flee the spotlight, in election year they must appear to win over their voters.
But in 2018 when they show their faces, Brazilian voters will be able to drop their masks.
In another initiative of The Colour of Corruption - a non-partisan project launched last year in favour of conscious voting and against corruption - ReclameAQUI has just launched an application with potential to change the face of Brazilian elections: The Corruption Detector.
Using Microsoft’s facial recognition technology with 98% accuracy,
the Corruption Detector identifies photos of politicians and instantly brings up on the screen which corruption or administrative processes he/she responds to in court.
Voters can photograph politician's faces anywhere: on billboards, newspapers, at political rallies, on flyers, on the web or even on TV.
One of the most effective weapons against corruption is information, so the Corruption Detector expands The Colour of Corruption database, and consolidates official and public information that were previously spread in various instances all over Brazil.
With a permanently updated database, the Corruption Detector App is able to identify all politicians who have held the following elective positions for the past 8 years:
Presidents, Vice Presidents, Senators, Congressman, and Governors.
And since 2018 is election year in Brazil, voters can also identify whether pre-candidates for executive positions are involved in scandals.
"In times of fake news, only access to quality information can change the future of the country. The Brazilian has more than one application to discover corrupt politicians, but a transformation tool in their hands " Maurício Vargas, president of ReclameAQUI.
The app is now available for download on Google Play and the Apple Store