Dictionary Film Tokyo’s Executive Producer Peter Grasse returns to Berlin to talk film craft with music producer Sam Spiegel of Squeak E Clean Productions.
Sam’s recent content collaboration with director Spike Jonze for Kenzo has captured the imagination of audiences worldwide. Its perfect marriage of music, dance and direction makes it a unanimous crowd pleaser.
Grasse’s talk with Spiegel, entitled My Mutant Musical Mind, will unlock the genesis of Spiegel’s process by means of discussing his development as both composer, producer, musician, and all-round creative talent.
“This is exciting!” says Grasse. “I’ve been wanting to talk shop with Sam for years. Besides being one of the top producers in the industry, Sam is a major motivational force in popular culture, as well as an all-round cool dude.”
My Mutant Musical Mind is part of Ciclope’s programme of events celebrating excellence in crafted commercial production. The annual event is eagerly anticipated and attended by directors, producers, creatives and clients from around the world.
“Ciclope is really special.” adds Grasse. “As of late, film craft juries around the world are plagued by politics and beset with a basic lack of knowledge of the individual elements of our craft. Ciclope is a cart show steered by the best craftsman our industry has to offer. Long may it live, and to many may it educate in regards to the excellence of execution.”
My Mutant Musical Mind is at 15:00pm on Thursday November 3rd at Berlin’s renowned Kino International Theatre as part of Ciclope.