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Meet the LBB & Friends Beach: Talent Partners, Airbag, Getty, Milestone, Farm Films

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
Cannes, France
A bunch of beach bunnies waiting to welcome you to LBB’s Cannes Beach

This week we’re introducing the people who are making the LBB & Friends Beach possible – the highlight of our year and a friendly week-long Cannes hangout spot where the industry comes to mingle, relax and enjoy happy hour. If you’re going to be in Cannes next week, remember that the wine and beer will be flowing freely between 4pm and 6pm everyday between Tuesday and Friday! To find out more, head over to our Facebook page and keep your eyes peeled for the #LBBbeach hashtag on Twitter.

Ken Holden – Talent Partners

Ken Holden, Managing Director Talent Partners Europe & LBB Beach legend

LBB> Where are you from and what do you do? 

KH> We are the global industry leaders in talent and production support - providing top-notch solutions and service for the creative marketplace. Our team joins you from London and New York.

LBB> What are you most looking forward to about Cannes this year?  

KH> Most looking forward to connecting with global ad industry people and learning about developments in the business in different countries.

LBB> Give us a top tip for surviving Cannes. 

KH> Keep Calm and Pace Yourself!

Airbag - Victoria Conners-Bell (Executive Producer), Adrian Bosich (Managing Partner & Director), Kirsten Michael (Post Producer)

Victoria Conners-Bell, Kirsten Michael & Adrian Bosich

LBB> Where are you from and what do you do?

VCB> I'm the Executive Producer of Airbag Productions, an Australian based company encompassing film, VFX and technology.

AB> I'm the Managing Partner & Director at Airbag Productions, a boutique production company in Australia that tackles shoots, post and technology all under one roof.

KM> I'm a refugee from NZ, now Post Producer at Airbag Productions/Canopy VFX.

LBB> What are you most looking forward to about Cannes this year?

VCB> Catching up with friends and colleagues from around the globe. And meeting new ones.

AB> Cannes is a reminder that we work in an amazing industry. The best ideas rise to the top and are on display.

KM> Meeting people I've only heard about.

LBB> Give us your top tips for surviving Cannes.

VCB> Pace yourself - it's a long week.

AB> Be fearless, and talk to that creative you've admired from afar.

KM> Gatorade before bed.  Rose for breakfast

Farm Films

Pete Sherlock, Skip Margetts and Kabelo Seane.

LBB> Where are you from and what do you do? 

FF> We are from Cape Town and are a Service Production House

LBB> What are you most looking forward to about Cannes this year?  

FF>We are looking forward to connecting with friends in a away from production

LBB> Give us your top tips for surviving Cannes. 

FF> Top tips for Cannes: Have self-homing socks to get you to your bed when nothing else is functional, a surrogate liver is a good idea, make sure you are wearing your rocking shoes, weird hair helps at parties, there is no such thing as a quick drink, who said networking has to be work

Kirk Dias - Milestone

LBB> Where are you from and what do you do?

HD> We produce TV commercials, short films & documentaries. We are based in Mumbai, India with  satellite offices in Dubai & Singapore and a production partner in Bangkok.

LBB> What are you most looking forward to about Cannes this year?

KD> To meet people from the advertising and production fraternity: creatives, agency producers, production companies and new talent. And of course it's always great to catch up with old friends that we haven't seen for a while.

LBB> Give us some top tips for surviving Cannes.

- Carry extra sunglasses, chances are you will lose a pair at one of the many parties. 

- We can't say this enough drink  water  #notetoself 

- Do not plan meetings before 12pm

- Come for the happy hour at the little black book beach, we'd love to meet you!

Andy Saunders – Getty Images

Andy Saunders, Senior Vice President for Creative

LBB> Where are you from and what do you do? 

AS> I work for Getty Images who are the global leader in providing visual content for advertising, corporate and media businesses. As the Senior Vice President for Creative, I lead Getty Images’ creative strategy, heading up a global team of art directors and creative researchers, who are focused on guiding and curating the content we get from our photographers, videographers and musicians.

LBB> What are you most looking forward to about Cannes this year?  

AS> This year at Cannes Lions we’re launching our new campaign ‘Re-Picture’ which challenges how we look at the world and explores how we can let go of stereotypical imagery that traditional describes people and communication concepts. We’ve created an immersive and interactive experience through which we’re asking delegates to re-picture key concepts, such as masculinity and success and inviting them to respond with their own ideas by using the #RePicture hashtag – I’m very much looking forward to seeing what the world’s best creative minds come up with!

LBB> Give us a top tips for surviving Cannes. 

AS> Aside from sunscreen and paracetamol, everyone should take time to familiarize themselves with the speaking schedule and diarise the key seminars, workshops and master classes. Time seems to slip away in Cannes as it's so enjoyable, so have fun but plan your week so you don't end up experiencing all of it through the bottom of a glass!

Work from LBB & Friends Beach
The Key to Comedy in Advertising
Why So Serious?
What Keeps Marketers Up At Night
LBB’s Global Sponsor