What happens if you are the biggest restaurant chain in the country and start making small changes? In its latest campaign for McDonald’s, NORD DDB highlights unexpected side effects of the brand’s business.
For instance, McDonald’s are Sweden’s biggest chain for the charging of electric cars. This
is highlighted in a spot that premiered just before and during summer when millions of Swedes go on vacation and head out on the roads.
That ad was followed in August by what seems to be a generic political ad just as the country prepares for the September 9th election. The voiceover begins: "We're all facing a vote this autumn that will affect life in large and small ways and which can make a difference for the environment, and for you. Therefore, we are making major changes, which will affect your choice..."
But instead of being about choosing the right party, it ends up showing off McDonald’s new burger line with full flex protein choice, continuing: "...For lunch or dinner. You can now pick your choice of protein on our McSelection burger. Welcome to Sweden's largest flexitarian restaurant chain."
The PR side of the campaign is handled by Prime and OMD handles media.