The Immortal Awards in association withJSM

Little Black Book and The Immortal Awards Introduce The Monthly Cut

A curated reel of the best in commercial creativity delivered directly to Standard and Premium members, inspired and supported by The Immortal Awards’ partners

From left to right: Paul Monan, Matt Cooper and Tash Atkinson

Little Black Book and The Immortal Awards are launching The Monthly Cut, a brand new initiative that furthers both brands’ commitment to inspiring the creative community and championing best in class work.

The Monthly Cut is a reel of the best new global commercial creativity, curated by a hand picked group of industry leaders and delivered to Little Black Book Standard and Premium members.

Supported by The Immortal Awards partners and sponsors, the reel will be distributed at the start of each month. It will feature projects that aired or launched in the previous calendar month and the highly curated body of work will span all media and categories in work that has been covered or published on Little Black Book.

Leading The Monthly Cut will be Little Black Book’s Paul Monan, Tash Atkinson and Matt Cooper.

Paul says, “Little Black Book and The Immortal Awards are committed to identifying, championing and celebrating the best in global commercial creativity. The Monthly Cut allows us to continue inspiring and educating the global ad community on a monthly basis, bridging the gap between LBB’s daily adland coverage and The Immortal Awards’ annual competition.”

Who is selecting The Monthly Cut?

Each quarter, a council composed of global creative, production and post leaders will be invited to guest edit three editions of The Monthly Cut alongside Little Black Book’s managing editors Addison Capper (Americas), Alex Reeves (EMEA) and Brittney Rigby (AUNZ), CEO Matt Cooper and awards director Paul Monan.

Tash explains, “The creative council will include brand, agency and craft leaders from all over the world, giving a truly global perspective to the selection process. Rotating the council on a quarterly basis will give consistency to The Monthly Cut as our ambition is to ensure this a super curated body of work, in a way upholding the spirit of The Immortal Awards and their supremely tough standards when it comes to benchmarking creativity.”

How does my work make ‘the Cut’?

All new work that's part of a press release that's covered on Little Black Book will automatically be in consideration for inclusion on the reel. Each month, LBB’s editorial team will curate a shortlist of work that will then be distilled by the selection council by way of a scoring system.

Little Black Book members can also upload new work to their profile and submit it for consideration, even without a full press release, by e-mailing The Monthly Cut team with a link to the project on their LBB profile.

You must be a member of Little Black Book for your work to be covered on the platform and should be sending work in to the news desk or contacting The Monthly Cut team in a timely manner, as close to the launch or air date as possible.

Matt says, “This is a huge new opportunity for Little Black Book members to have their work seen and celebrated by the global ad community, simply by using our platform as the go to spot whenever they launch new work. We already cover all of our members’ latest work and The Monthly Cut gives them all an extra, cost-free opportunity to have their work seen by some of our industry’s finest minds and set the global creative standard.”

How do I get The Monthly Cut?

The reel will be edited and distributed in the first week of each month, becoming immediately available to all Little Black Book members who are on the Standard and Premium subscription tiers.

Once the reel has been distributed, recipients are encouraged to share the work with their teams, host their own screenings and even invite clients and friends in for a monthly showcase of the best in global creativity.

Paul says, “The whole initiative is inspired by Roisin Keown and the team at The Brill Building, one of our Immortal Awards partners, who asked for a curated monthly collection of the best global work that she can share with the Irish ad community to foster conversation and drive local creative standards. We loved the idea and wanted to expand it, opening up access to the wider LBB and Immortals community.

“We know just how busy and increasingly time starved everyone is - and keeping up with the latest and greatest work is a full time job in itself. As a global news platform, we’re getting all of the best work from all of the best companies every day. So we want to use our expertise and employ our creative community to create something of huge value to our members, saving them all time whilst keeping them up to date on the world’s best work.”

The Monthly Cut will launch in the coming weeks with more information to be published on Little Black Book and communicated with our members soon.

If you are a Little Black Book member on the Basic tier then you will need to upgrade your membership to receive The Monthly Cut.

If you’re interested in finding out more or have any questions, please contact Paul Monan, (; Tash Atkinson ( and Matt Cooper (

LBB’s Global Sponsor