Volvo have upped the ante with their latest Live Test stunt - they've only gone and recruited Jean-Claude Van Damme. The video, directed by Andreas Nilsson and produced by Folke Film, sees the muscles from Brussels perform his trademark splits whilst balancing on two trucks, which slowly move apart.
Agency Frosman Bodenfors first took dull-but-reliable brand Volvo to the edge of the danger zone with highwire event 'Ballerina' in August 2012. Since then they've used everything from a Spanish bull run to hamster drivers to demonstrate the responsive handling of Volvo trucks.
Client: Volvo Trucks
Agency: Forsman Bodenfors
Production Company: Folke Film, Stockholm
Producer: Joi Persson
Stunt Coordinator: Peter Pedrero
Production Service Company: Story We Produce, Barcelona
Producers: Ana Laura Solis and Marc Bedia
Director: Andreas Nilsson