It’s clear from the current state of our inboxes that access to the LBB & Friends Beach is in high demand this year! We have a guest list of over 4,000 people looking to network and make new contacts and an incredible programme of content (sponsored by our friends at MCA) that will run all week. Due to the event's popularity, attendees must be registered with us to get access.
Therefore, we thought we’d better explain how you can get in:
- LBB only invites our Pro Users and the companies that are members of LBB to submit names to the LBB & Friends Beach guest list. This is only fair! They support us, so we support them. We have sent out several emails already to our members to register for the guest list and secure entry for their team. These emails would have gone to the person or people who administrate(s) your LBB membership(s). If you want to know who your admin is, please contact If you’d like to become a member, you can do so here - it’s way more than just getting onto a beach in Cannes.
- We hate turning people away, so we MAY open up the beach on Friday afternoon to everyone else. This will be for Friday afternoon only and will not give you access to free drinks at Happy Hour. (Please note: Registration for Friday afternoon has now closed)
We look forward to seeing you sur la plage.
The LBB Team
Sponsors of the LBB & Friends Beach 2024

Content Sponsor: MCA - MurphyCobb Associates
APA - Advertising Producers Association | APCP
AWS - Amazon Web Services | Brave Spark Agency
Clear Channel UK | Digital Voices | George P Johnson
Girl&Bear | Global Production Network | ICCO PR
KEEP | KUAMP | LIA - London International Awards
M&C Saatchi | Native Foreign | Nouri Films
Porter Novelli | Razorfish
SAMY Alliance | Shutterstock | The Digital Voice
thenetworkone | Tickle | UK Advertising at Cannes Lions
Warner Chappell Music