Dancing Warrior, a short documentary directed by award-winning filmmakers Rachel McDonald (Eleanor Drive Pictures) and Peter Goetz (Backroads Pictures), is making a significant impact on the international film festival circuit. After its premiere at the Mountainfilm Festival in Telluride, the film has been selected to screen at several prestigious festivals, including the ONA Short Film Festival (September 5-8), Crested Butte Film Festival (September 18-22), and Port Townsend Film Festival (September 19-29).
Set on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, Dancing Warrior tells the inspiring story of a Lakota teen racing team that finds hope and purpose through the traditional sport of “Indian Relay” horse racing. The film captures the resilience of Lakota youth as they navigate life’s challenges while staying deeply connected to their cultural heritage and community.
The selection of Dancing Warrior at these festivals highlights the film’s powerful storytelling and its ability to resonate emotionally with audiences. In addition, Rachel McDonald will be participating in a panel at the Crested Butte Film Festival on Friday, September 20, following the screening of the documentary, offering further insights into the making of this compelling film.