Trends and Insight in association withSynapse Virtual Production

Creative Ways Agencies Are Supporting Local Businesses

Advertising Agency
Boston, USA
Boston-centric guides from Arnold move to digital highlighting small businesses during lockdown

Over the past few years, Arnold has created Boston-centric guides that highlight the city’s food, drink, art and culture scenes. Laura Voigt Hendrickx, Arnold’s svp and chief of staff, called the guides a 'cheat sheet to all of the amazing stuff in our city.'

According to Laura, the guides have always been print-only 'very purposefully,' as they were typically shared with coffee shops and other businesses featured throughout the issue. But this month’s 'at home' edition looks a little different, as it’s the first one being released digitally.

Laura said Arnold “resisted the temptation to take it digital for a really long time,” but stay-at-home orders forced it to reconsider. Now, the agency is using the opportunity to highlight local businesses in Boston that are pivoting and going virtual.

For instance, one section details which restaurants are open for pick-up and delivery in addition to ways customers can donate or help. Another section features an interview with the owner of Bow Market, a business that provides space for entrepreneurs to sell their products. In the interview, he discusses how Bow Market is continuing to help and support local vendors throughout the current crisis.

“As things change and evolve, having it be digital allows us a little bit of flexibility to add new things or additional companies that we can feature,” Laura said. “Our goal is to share it with a lot of the local businesses that are featured as well as through Boston press. It’s a small thing, but we hope it has an impact [on] some of the local businesses we know and love.”
