The Immortal Awards in association withJSM

Chelsea Pictures Teams Up With The Immortal Awards as US Jury Partner 2024

Associations, Award Shows and Festivals
London, UK
The Immortal Award-winning production company partners with Little Black Book’s global advertising award to identify and champion the very best of US creativity
The Immortal Awards is delighted to announce that Chelsea Pictures will be the US jury partner for the 2024 competition. 

The Immortal Award-winning production company - that picked up a prize for Bodyform/Libresse’s #wombstories in 2020 - is partnering with Little Black Book’s global advertising award to support this year's US jury day.

The day will see some of the market’s leading creatives come together in New York on Thursday 7th November to determine the best work of the year, with those projects qualifying for the regional North American round of judging.

It will signal the second consecutive year in which Chelsea Pictures have supported The Immortal Awards.

Lisa Mehling, founder of Chelsea Pictures, says, “I first came to know the Immortals back in 2020 when Chelsea was honoured with an Immortal Award for our Bodyform/Libresse project, ‘#wombstories.’ I have come to understand why the Immortal ethos is so important. I love that it is an international show, that the entry process is, by design, inclusive and that the number of campaigns deemed 'Immortal' is no more than a few each year, underscoring the level of expertise required to create a campaign that stands the test of time."

Paul Monan, awards director of The Immortal Awards, adds, “Lisa and the team know what it takes to win at the Immortals. Not only have they won at the show, which is no mean feat, but we had the honour of welcoming Lisa to our US jury last year, so she knows the rigour and standards that our juries all over the world set. Having this calibre of partner is a dream come true for us and we are incredibly excited to be teaming up to host this year’s jury day in person in New York later this year. A huge thank you to Lisa and the Chelsea team for their continued support.”

On the jury process, Lisa says, “It was an honour to sit on the US jury last year. It was a small jury which kept the conversations regarding the merit of the entries very free-flowing allowing everyone a chance to weigh in and to share their perspective. I learned a great deal from my fellow jurors’ points of view and the whole process demonstrated the Immortals commitment to levelling the award show playing field. Chelsea is very proud to be the US sponsor and I look forward to helping promote the Immortals and what they represent — our industry needs more of what they are all about!”

The Immortal Awards entry system is now open and entries into competition will be accepted until September 5th 2024. All entries must be made for a commissioning client, and must have first aired, broadcast, displayed, launched or published between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024.  

Every member of LBB is entitled to up to five entries. The full list of rules, including eligibility dates, can be found here.

If you’d like to enter the Immortal Awards but you’re not yet a member of LBB, sign up here today. If you’re already a member and would like to increase your number of entries, you can upgrade your membership here.

If you have any questions about The Immortal Awards or need any help with your entries, please contact awards directors Paul Monan ( and Emma Wilkie (

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