The Art Directors Club (ADC) has extended the deadline for the Tomorrow Awards submissions until August 23. The Tomorrow Awards is the only international, biannual competition that is category-neutral and invites all creative industries to participate. Anyone from startups to agencies to engineering firms are welcome to submit entries.
The criteria for being chosen as the winner is simple – the work needs to have a high probability of being a game changer in its respective industry within six to twelve months of being awarded. The judges are looking for future trends before they hit mass culture. The Tomorrow Awards also has a unique judging format—the first round of judging invites all creatives to collaborate as the “Industry Judges” and determine the shortlist of contenders.
In round two, the “Monster Judges” will debate intensely over the finalists and crown the five winners. The winners ceremony is taking place on September 19th in Stockholm, Sweden. This year’s “Monster Judges” include:
- Joel Lunenfeld, Twitter, VP Of Global Brand Strategy
- Naveen Selvadurai, Co-Founder, Foursquare
- Sophia Bendz, Spotify, Global Director Of Marketing
- Fernanda Romano, Chief Creative Officer And Partner, Naked
- Sune Kaae, R/GA, Senior Technology Director
- Amani Duncan, C.F. Martin Guitar & Co., Vice President Brand Marketing