With ad agencies hit hard by the Covid-19 crisis, what’s one to do when they’ve been laid off in such a dire job market? It inspired one creative to print his 'Crappy Portfolio' on toilet paper and
sell it on Amazon in hopes of landing a new gig.
“Oddly enough, getting my ideas crapped on was the part I missed the most after being let go” said Evan Maranca, creator of the project and cofounder of the infamous Handy Awards. “I’m just looking for a creative director to constructively crap on my work, since that would mean I’m getting a pay check but also because it’s the fastest way for me to learn and get better.”
Don’t let the $150,000 price tag scare you, that includes a year’s worth of work from Maranca, who is looking to move from Boston to New York when things go back to normal.
“I figured people need toilet paper right now, and I need a job. So it’s a win-win really.” Please, someone hire this man soon so he stops sending us crass passion projects. His full portfolio can be seen