
Work of the Week: 02/12/22

Upcoming International Day of Persons with Disabilities, panic over a lack of World Cup stickers, Christmas melancholy and much more in this week’s best, writes LBB’s Zoe Antonov

Let’s put Christmas and the football aside for a moment - December 3rd is International Day of Persons with Disabilities! And Apple is celebrating it accordingly, with their film ‘The Greatest’, telling seven unique stories of people living with disabilities and mastering their Apple gadgets’ accessibility features. 

Besides that, in this week’s best work we have some cold cuts for your panini, some semi-sad, but also heartwarming Christmas ads, and some seriously hard hitting work. 

Just look at White Ribbon’s film ‘I Knew All Along’, urging audiences to join their efforts in fostering healthier masculinities. It tells the story of a father who has a daughter for the first time - and suddenly, sees the world, and how he has navigated through it, in a drastically different light. 

UNICEF didn’t fall behind on the emotional scale either, with their poignant film, illustrating the importance of kind gestures, especially in the context of a child caught up in the trauma of war.

Read on to find out more.

Apple - The Greatest 

The film comes as a means to raise awareness for some of Apple’s new accessibility innovations such as new iterations of Door Detection, Sound Recognition, Voice Control and many more, born from the desire to support people living with vision, hearing, mobility or cognitive disabilities.

Posten - Father Christmas and Mother Earth

The Norwegian postal service, Posten, has started establishing itself as one of the pioneers of Christmas ads for the past two holiday seasons. After a punchy campaign last year, they did not want to disappoint in 2022 either. And clearly, they had their fingers firmly on the pulse of social conversation.

The story of this year’s film is one that hits home for many of us, but is told in a bit of a different way. We watch some turmoil unravel in Father Christmas and Mother Earth's relationship - an otherwise happy couple that is now facing the destruction of overconsumption, mindless spending and polluting, and a capitalised holiday season.

Women’s Aid - He’s Coming Home

One single panning shot is all House 337 and Sara Dunlop needed to convey Women’s Aid’s message to football fans during the tournament. While a large portion of those who are keeping up with the game are concerned with other issues related to it, hundreds of women in the UK and beyond are terrified of the consequences one losing score can have on their wellbeing. A sentence encapsulates their fear completely - 'He’s coming home', written on the flag. 

According to the University of Lancaster, during the length of the tournament, domestic abuse violence that gets reported increases by as much as 38%, which is why Women’s Aid is spearheading their two-year ‘Come Together To End Domestic Abuse’ campaign, running until 2024.

UNICEF - Gifts of Tomorrow are Given Today

The poignant film directed by Rattling Stick’s Pete Riski tells the story of a child traumatised by war times and highlights the importance of kind gestures. The story was loosely based on a real UNICEF employee, who was helped by the organisation as a young boy and grew up to become part of supporting the cause himself. 

The campaign also marks the first time that UNICEF has featured a narrative TVC in Finland, having traditionally used documentaries and archive footage to highlight their work and raise much-needed funds.

White Ribbon - I Knew All Along

For many men, the moment of having a daughter is a turning point in their lives - not only because of the great emotional rollercoaster that having a child puts you through, but because for the first time they are forced to face the world from a female perspective.

This is exactly the story behind White Ribbon’s film ‘I Knew All Along’ - a father overwhelmed with love for his new born baby girl, but at the same time paralysed with fear 

Deutsche Telecom - Wie Geht’s Dir?

Another heartwarming campaign, this time from adam&eveBERLIN, that reminded us what is really important this Christmas. And although it seems like every year we remind ourselves of what ‘really is’ important, this time it feels…different. A simple question of asking somebody how they truly are, changes everything. As it should.

Paladini - The first panini that fills you

And to end on the other, more fun face of the World Cup, fans in South America have grappled with a World Cup sticker shortage for several weeks now - to the point that the Argentinian government joined a squabble between shop owners and local manufacturers of the scarce World Cup albums.

This is why Mercado McCann and Paladini, a cold cuts and other meats brand, decided to tackle the issue by inviting us to ‘fill our paninis’ with their best meats and cheeses. 

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