
VFX Supervisor Alex Snookes Joins Electric Theatre Collective

Alex is a specialist in Nuke and Flame with experience working with some of the top companies in the business

Here's a man who knows on what side to butter his Weetabix. Electric Theatre Collective welcomes Alex Snookes.

In a time of plague, uncertainty, and despair, the management at Electric Theatre knew this was no time to be floundering around engaging the services of people who put celery in their drinks. So they turned to Alex, a photographer who brings creative vision and cinematographic muscle to the gladiatorial arena of post production, and uses those attributes to lay waste to any foolish enough to step in his path... which is not what he wrote in his CV, because only a madman would, and Alex is a nice guy who doesn't use his powers for evil.

But whatever. Electric Theatre are bored and writing this in lockdown so thought they would make him sound sexy - which he is of course, but not in a murdery violent kind of way.

The fact is, when someone applies for a job with a surname only one consonant away from the greatest sport invented by mankind, you employ them. That's the rule of thumb here at Electric Theatre, although the fact that Alex is a specialist in Nuke and Flame with experience working with some of the top companies in the business, is of course a bonus.

Some of his career highlights include being awarded a VES for compositing for work on John Lewis’ Buster the Boxer and working on spots like Channel 4’s Mr 4 Idents, Ikea’s Ghosts as well as a flurry of Palace Skateboards spots over the past few years. He's also done a lot of Creature jobs, the last being with the great Patrick Daughters for Eurostar. And while Alex says his recent Lynx Africa spot is "still haunting me a bit as it's on tv all the time", well, you better get used to that Alex, because we're on TV all the time, and we wear a lot of Lynx Africa. 

But enough rambling nonsense. Electric Theatre sat down with Alex for an insightful, virtual chat which revealed the inner workings of Mr Snookes' brain to such an extent that it would have old Michael Parkinson leaping out of retirement quicker than a Fred Truman bouncer, frothing at the mouth with envy like an enraged Yorkshire moorland stag... probably. 

If any other companies are looking for job interview tips, it's also pretty much a mirror image of his job interview for ETC.


ETC: You can be any figure from history, ancient or modern, from any field of human endeavour. Choose one.

Alex: Bob Ross. That voice. I am also reviving 80’s hair in this lockdown so it seems fitting.


ETC: What’s your number one piece of life advice?

Snookes: Shoot for the stars, but land on the moon.


ETC: Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?

Snookes: Mega duck.


ETC: What would you do if you went to bed tonight and woke up in an army camp tent at Agincourt, October 1415, on the morning of the famous medieval battle?

Snookes: Cut back on the soft cheeses after 20:00.


ETC: Soup or cereal? Or are they the same?

Snookes: Cold soup at a restaurant is a bit of an insult. Warm it up, no one wants cold soup. 


ETC: Sausages or celery?

Snookes: People who put celery into a drink need to re-evaluate their life choices.


ETC: What do you think you will miss the most about now, in 30 years time?

Snookes: Hopefully not my hair.


ETC: Do you think onions are getting a lot rounder these days?

Snookes: Onions make my eyes wee.


ETC: Which band or music group would you like to be an extra member of?

Snookes: Earth, Wind & Fire.


ETC: Best thing about 2020...

Snookes: BI DEN


ETC: Your best friend has been kidnapped by baddies. Which 1980s tv hero/heroes do you enlist the assistance of?

Snookes: Adam West's Batman. But I'm not being Robin, no one wants to be Robin.


ETC: What’s the secret to survival in the post production industry, in 2020 and beyond?

Snookes: Coffee and whiskey, in that order.


ETC: Will everything be alright?

Snookes: With speedballing coffee and whiskey? Maybe. 

If it's all too much doom and gloom, get a dog. They seem to think everything is alright. Cats though, they can't be trusted

So welcome, Alex Snookes. There’s a desk in the office waiting for you, right in between Michael Basksetbale and Susan Dadminton.

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