Creative in association withGear Seven

US Wildfire Prevention Icon Smokey Bear Celebrates 80th Birthday

Creative Agency
New York, USA
Longest-running PSA campaign from FCB New York and the Ad Council is recognised for eight decades of impact

Today, Smokey Bear celebrates eight decades of educating Americans about the role they play in preventing unwanted human-caused wildfires. From his origins during World War II when fears of incendiary shells led to his emergence as a symbol of fire prevention, Smokey’s 'Only You' message has since become ingrained into American culture through thousands of posters, radio ads, TV spots, billboards, and merchandise. To honour 80 years of Smokey Bear, the USDA Forest Service (USFS), the National Association of State Foresters (NASF), FCB New York and the Ad Council are inviting the public to join Smokey’s birthday celebrations and be part of his wildfire prevention legacy.

Smokey’s image was cemented as a mainstay of American culture by the imagination of advertising agency FCB, the campaigns’ founding pro-bono creative partner, the artwork of Rudy Wendelin and the celebrities that brought their unique charm to the campaign, including Bing Crosby, Ray Charles, Stephen Colbert, Al Roker, Betty White, Sam Elliott and most recently, Brian Tyree Henry. Through decades of campaign materials, themed postage stamps featuring Smokey, his presence in state and national forests, mentions in songs like 'Drive-In' by The Beach Boys, countless toys and more, his timeless message has reached generations of Americans – establishing him as the beacon of wildfire prevention.

Alongside the nostalgic Decades film recently developed by FCB New York, friends and supporters of Smokey Bear are encouraged to join in a series of commemorations throughout the year. These include influencer and brand collaborations, social media activations, and events such as tree lightings, local appearances, birthday celebrations, and his participation in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, all highlighting his top wildfire prevention tips.

On August 9th, dozens of influencers like The Retirement House, Grandma Droniak and Carol Starr are welcoming Smokey to his eighties through custom social content, with other icons like Bill Nye, Mychal Threets, the Bennet Gang and Sparky the Fire Dog showing up by amplifying important wildfire prevention education for the next generation of outdoor enthusiasts.

Additionally, The Weather Channel, the flagship consumer brand of The Weather Company, will be releasing brand-new PSAs oriented around wildfire prevention tips to honour Smokey Bear.

The campaign is supported by the media agencies Hearts & Science and Starcom, who are each extending the reach of the latest creative via donated media provided by multiple media partners. Smokey’s 80th birthday will also be supported throughout the year by a variety of partners, including The Atlantic, Branded Cities, Buzzfeed, Dotdash Meredith, LiveIntent, Nativo, National CineMedia (NCM), Pinterest, Roku, SiriusXM Media, Twitch, Uber, and the Weather Channel.

“When I speak to our work at the Ad Council, naturally Smokey Bear is one of the first campaigns that comes to mind because it embodies the long-standing impact and issue recognition we aim to achieve across everything we do.” said Lisa Sherman, president and CEO of the Ad Council. “A public service campaign with this longevity, scope and impact is unprecedented, and we look forward to spreading Smokey's message of wildfire prevention for many years to come.”

“For 80 years, Smokey Bear has been a symbol for wildfire prevention, educating generations of Americans about their personal responsibility in preventing unplanned human-caused wildfires,” said Forest Service chief Randy Moore. “Celebrating this major milestone with our partners brings attention to Smokey’s message, which is as relevant today as it was in the past and will be long into the future.”

“Our forestlands, like Smokey himself, are integral to American culture. Our nation relies on healthy, managed forests for everything from clean air and water to economic prosperity, sustainable forest products, wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation, and much more,” said NASF President and South Carolina State Forester Scott Phillips. “The endurance of Smokey’s wildfire prevention message speaks to the role of every individual in that management. State Foresters do everything they can to protect our forests and mitigate disasters, but only you can prevent wildfires.”

In addition to honor Smokey’s 80-year milestone, the USFS, NASF, Ad Council, and FCB are proud to highlight their long-standing partnership and commitment to wildfire prevention. By adapting to the ever-changing landscape of media and communication for the past 80 years, they have ensured that Smokey’s vital message not only remains relevant but continues to resonate across generations through a variety of mediums. Together, they have strategically amplified and maintained Smokey’s simple yet effective message , evolving him into one of the most recognized wildfire prevention icons.

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