Richard Russell has collaborated with director Ed Morris from Rattling Stick to create the promo for ‘I Am Paint’ – the debut track from RLR. Made at the Residence La Revolution studio in London the track samples the voice of Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry from the film The Upsetter and was recently debuted via
The film, the accompanying documentary and stills, records the night Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry and Richard Russell spent a night at The White Ark individually hand-painting the ‘I Am Paint’ 12” vinyl sleeves.
These exclusive ‘I Am Paint’ singles are not available to purchase through traditional means and RLR do not require payment. Instead, RLR are using a system of barter. Those wishing to obtain a copy of ‘I Am Paint’ should make something to swap and send it to: Residence La Revolution, PO Box 68452, London W11 9EZ. A hand-painted 12” will be sent in return to the first 250 applicants.