Sarah Walsh, known as ‘Walshy’ to her friends and the industry alike, always brings humanity and a sense of fun to her role as group commercial director at creative studio Coffee & TV.
Having recently returned from maternity leave to take on a fast evolving global role, Walshy brings warmth and a fresh perspective to what it means to be a ’sales person’, here she talks with LBB about just what that means.
Walshy> Such a good question! Look, we’re all sales people. Every day we sell. I sell my son his dinner every night!
Yet I was always adamant that I wasn’t a salesperson.
I would spin the word ‘sales’ to 'client relationships' and shy away from job titles. The best salespeople are often the listeners, not always the loudest person in the room. Sure, charisma has its place, but what runs deeper is if people feel like you are listening, really listening to what they need and aren’t afraid to ask vulnerable questions in order to deliver on it. One of our best producers was recommended to us from a pub, another in a shop. If you’re a good person, we can teach you the rest.
Walshy> There’s always going to be times when it doesn’t work out, or it goes in a direction you were certain it wouldn’t. A 'no' doesn’t necessarily mean ‘no good’, there are so many different factors that go into this decision. It’s not personal, it’s business and it’s good to remember how privileged we are to work in a creative industry that is largely playful.
Rejection is an opportunity to learn and we go again!
To grow a start-up to a multi award winning creative studio has been a marathon, not a sprint. Building good foundations has been vital.
If people feel supported, yet challenged to deliver their best, they have space and autonomy over what they do and are motivated to deliver exceptional ideas.
Build good friendships, laugh along the way, support the craft, respect people’s time and talents and listen. That’s what keeps me motivated.
Walshy> Over the years I’ve made many friends in this industry. So this is such an interesting perspective.
It's easier to sell to someone you WhatsApp all evening about the latest trash TV and who trusts you and your team enough to support the pitch process and conversion of a job. But let’s not forget, there’s lots of moving parts, creative input, budgets, existing relationships outside yours, so if you respect that it’s business done in a smart way, with people you love, it doesn’t hurt so much when it doesn’t go your way.
Making friends along the way, it makes it all so truly wonderful!
Walshy> It’s huge! We’ve worked internationally from the beginning. We work across the globe including Sweden, Denmark, Europe and the US, all with huge success, largely from being good people doing great work.
As we begin to build out studios in the US, we know we need a mix of British and American people on the ground to make sure we stay true to our company values; good people, delivering amazing craft, in line with an understanding of client expectations.
Walshy> Always be yourself, people love real people. Start by treating people well and start with repeat business. If you work in post, watch everything that you send on, so that you are confident you are sending the client what they have asked for. Being thorough at your job will go a long way.
Walshy> Never assume anything. If you’re unsure, ask.
Sarah 'Walshy' Walsh is group commercial director at creative studio Coffee & TV, check out this reel of their latest commercial and film and TV work.