Garanimals launched the second year of their “Big on quality. Small on price” advertising campaign, according to The Gate’s Chief Creative Officer, David Bernstein.
Developed with The Gate I New York, the TV commercials use humour to illustrate some of the reasons why people buy Garanimals by the armful. Whether it’s comfort, durability or just plain cute designs, you get quality clothes for prices that start at just $3.88, according to Bernstein.
In “Taste,” a grandmother tries to impose her favourite colour on her granddaughter — who is having none of it. In “Tunnel Vision,” a mom is so focused on the clothes, she can’t see the prices right in front of her. Even when her tiny baby points them out.
In “Sharing,” a toddler boy shares his ice cream with the dinosaur on his shirt. Much to the chagrin of his mom. Finally, in “Mommy Said,” a toddler girl tries to get her dad to buy shirts, pants and, while he’s in a buying mood, a puppy.
The ads all end with an armful of Garanimals and a voiceover promoting the value of buying them for your children. Budget for the campaign was not disclosed.
The media buy is aimed at Walmart shoppers watching programming that multiple generations tend to view together. This includes How I Met Your Mother and The Real. The spots will air in Spanish during telenovelas. There will also be a big push on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The Gate handles media for Garanimals.