With Mothering Sunday around the corner, Tesco Mobile is delivering a helpful reminder for people to call their mum as part of a national OOH campaign from BBH London.
The campaign makes Motherʼs Day more inclusive by representing the nuances in language used by different communities across the country. The campaign will be running throughout the UK with targeted executions based on the popular terms for ‘Mumʼ in the specific locations. These include Mum, Ummi, Ma, Mam, Maw, Maa, Ammi, Mā, Mom and Mama. Media buying and planning was handled by EssenceMediacom.
Tesco Mobile believes that it pays to be connected, and while that includes being connected to all the wider benefits of being a Tesco Mobile customer, it also pays to be connected to each other. Even if you don't celebrate Motherʼs Day, this campaign is a reminder that a simple call to your Mum is enough.
Gen Gransden and Selma Ahmed, creative directors at BBH said, “Yeah you could send your mum a card but a conversation means so much more – this is a nice little reminder to pick up the phone.ˮ
Last year, Tesco Mobile launched its new creative platform ‘It pays to be connected', also created by BBH London which highlighted the many ways it pays to be connected to the Tesco Mobile community.