HUb Strategy & Communication of San Francisco and Stanford Medicine Children's Health are launching the sixth consecutive year of the award-winning 'Access to Excellence' campaign on Monday, October 10th.
SMCH: Kids Are Not Adults :30 from HUb San Francisco on Vimeo.
The Access to Excellence campaign stands out in the traditionally evocative pediatric healthcare category for its lighthearted, humorous tone and imaginative style.
SMCH: Giving :30 from HUb San Francisco on Vimeo.
The creative harnesses the cute innocent nature of kids to communicate to parents/guardians in an authentic and relatable way, reminding them that Stanford has "world-class" pediatricians in their neighborhood to help keep kids healthy and at their best.
SMCH: Two Peanuts :15 from HUb San Francisco on Vimeo.
Stanford Medicine Children's Health is the largest healthcare system in the San Francisco Bay Area, with over 65 locations and one of the few networks in the country exclusively dedicated to pediatric and obstetric care. This campaign reinforces the importance of tailoring treatment and care to the growing bodies and developing minds of children.
The campaign is fully integrated, featuring digital video, display, streaming audio, print, and OOH.
SMCH: One Sock :15 from HUb San Francisco on Vimeo.