For Black History Month, RPA has created a walking tour of the rich Black history throughout the predominantly white city of Santa Monica where the agency has been headquartered for more than three decades. The Black. Not Sorry. walking tour places QR codes throughout Santa Monica that give detailed information about Black cultural events that have happened there, bringing unmarked historical sites to life. Some of these now-displaced landmarks include the Historic Belmar Neighbourhood, La Bonita Bathhouse, and Caldwell’s Dance Hall.
The walking tour is one of three legs of the Black. Not Sorry. campaign released by RPA’s Black ERG, What’s Good?. Other legs include the What’s Good? Soulful happy hour; 28 days of Soulful Reading, a Black History Month reading list; and Black. Not Sorry. Testimonials, in which members of What’s Good? will share personal stories of what Black. Not Sorry. means to them.
Find the walking tours here.