Creative in association withGear Seven

Rightmove Pushes for Greater Focus on Housing Ahead of ITV Debate

Advertising Agency
London, UK
Placements appear in today’s Sun and Daily Mirror, and across Instagram, with creative by Neverland

Ahead of tonight’s head-to-head debate on ITV, Rightmove has published a message to both Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer asking them to make housing a key topic to focus on.

Placements appear in today’s Sun and Daily Mirror, and across Instagram, with creative by Neverland, and media buying by Wavemaker.

People will also be able to submit housing questions to Rightmove’s housing experts to answer on its platform this week. 

Rightmove’s CMO Matt Bushby said, “We’re using key national placements to try and encourage more conversation around housing on the campaign trail, starting with the high-profile debate tonight. Headlines about housing have been scarce so far, so we want to help agents and home-movers hear more about what could come down the line.”

“We’ve also outlined some of the key priorities that home-movers, agents and our experts want to see from the next government. We’re pushing for long term solutions rather than short-term schemes, to help give more people the belief that they can make their move. Our suggestions include more support for first-time buyers, reforming the stamp duty system, speeding up house-building through a smoother planning process, and more green incentives for home-owners and landlords.”

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