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PromaxBDA European Conference Speakers...

PromaxBDA announces first speakers for the European Conference
PromaxBDA today announces the first four speakers of the 2012 line-up, for Europe’s largest TV and entertainment media conference. The European Conference, aimed at marketing, promotion and design professionals in TV and entertainment media takes place in Barcelona on 26 & 27 March 2012. 
Joining the line-up is Cindy Gallop, Founder and CEO of IfWeRanTheWorld. As the nature, form and delivery methods of entertainment change, old world order business models are collapsing and revenue streams are tanking. Join advertising, brand building and marketing guru Cindy Gallop in what is sure to be one of the more talked-about sessions at this year’s conference, as she provides some thought-provoking perspectives on what’s disrupting the world of entertainment, what’s never been more true, and how you can harness the twin forces of creativity and technology to leverage new opportunities and business models, and cash in on the interface between the two.
On global developments and her hopes for the future, Cindy says: “In 2011, the unthinkable happened. In a positive way, the people toppled dictatorships but in a more negative vein, financial institutions wreaked havoc and went unpunished. In 2012, I want to see the people in our industry loose the fear that’s holding them back and own the future. People inspire me – quite frankly, they’re amazing.”
Also speaking at the event, Dale Herigstad began his career in television working with Harry Marks, who pioneered the combining of technology and design to redefine TV branding. His work in the Interactive television has led to numerous projects in advanced interaction, exploring how the audience interacts with multiple devices and contexts and is now leading development work in the emerging world of gestural navigation for screens at a distance. Dale believes that spatial context is becoming increasingly important in design that is no longer flat: space and place are the new frontiers of design.
Matthew Glotzbach, Managing Director of YouTube EMEA, will also be sharing his vision at the conference. Previously, he led the Apps and Enterprise product divisions within Google.  In 2007 he launched Google Apps, Google's cloud computing suite for business. In the same year he played a key role in the acquisition of the security and compliance company Postini, Google's third largest acquisition to-date. 
Josephine Green brings to the conference her viewpoint as a macro-historian and change maker. She believes we must have a more human, humane and empowering philosophical framework and narrative for the future. From 2007 Josephine was the Senior Director of Trends and Strategy at Philips Design in the Netherlands. Philips published her manifesto ‘Democratizing the Future’ in 2007. In 2009 she left Philips and returned to the UK, where she has since become a member of 20-first: building gender balanced business. 
Josephine says: “In 2011, it appeared as though we were trying to solve a problem with the same thinking that caused it in the first place. Old thinking in new conditions just doesn’t work. But there’s a positive in this. Every vacuum leaves a space and, in the absence of leadership, new voices and practices are emerging. People are moving the front end of innovation. In 2012, our industry will have to accelerate the creation of new organizational and cultural environments”.
Regarding this year’s line-up, Jonathan Block-Verk, President and CEO of PromaxBDA International says: ‘We couldn’t be more excited to be presenting such thought-provoking speakers at this 2012 edition of the PromaxBDA Europe Conference. The lineup of inspiring, informative and innovative speakers will undoubtedly catapult this conference to the next level’.
The PromaxBDA Europe Conference 2012 offers high-level lectures, workshops, debate and dialogue, providing creative and strategic marketing professionals with a stimulating environment. This year’s theme is What’s Next. It will introduce the attendees to the best practices, emerging trends and technologies constantly changing the international business of media marketing, promotion and design. The two-day conference will help to make the attendees more effective and efficient in everything they do personally and professionally.
Honouring the very best in promotion, marketing and design, the conference culminates with the announcement of the PromaxBDA Europe Awards winners. This year sees The Grand Prix group of categories added to the show which includes: In-House Marketing Team of the Year; In-House Design Team of the Year; and Out-of-House Agency of the Year. This year competition is entering the final weeks and will close on January 26, 2012.
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