
Powerful Film from Terry Fox Foundation Continues the Race to End Cancer

Film from Diamond and director Mark Zibert symbolises how Canadians continue to come together to realise Terry’s dream of a world without cancer

In 1980, Terry Fox’s Marathon of Hope united Canadians in a country-wide movement to end cancer. Forty-five years later, the Terry Fox Foundation and Research Institute are uniting Canada’s top minds in cancer research to help end cancer as we know it through the Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network (MOHCCN). This innovative network marks a new era for cancer research, that is reflected today in the new joint brand platform called 'Finish It.' 

“Finish It is the culmination of a journey that has been years in the making and marks a revolutionary shift in the brand tone of one of Canada’s most iconic charitable organisations,” says Denise Dias, chief marketing and communications officer, Terry Fox Foundation. “Our new brand platform harnesses the same bold and courageous commitment to finishing cancer that Terry demonstrated on his Marathon of Hope.” 

This first-of-its-kind global brand platform for the Terry Fox Foundation and Research Institute launched on World Cancer Day with a powerful short film, directed by Mark Zibert and that features a never-before-heard adaptation of the song ‘Courage’ by The Tragically Hip. The film leverages state-of-the-art special effects technology to replicate archival footage of Terry Fox on his Marathon of Hope in 1980 and features the work of hundreds of volunteers and supporters to symbolise how Canadians continue to come together to realise Terry’s dream of a world without cancer. 

The film premiered across Canada on CTV’s Your Morning and then at the Finish It launch event at TIFF Lightbox in Toronto. An event that included remarks from cancer scientists, patients impacted by MOHCCN, members of Terry’s family, and appearances from Patrick Downie, Gord Downie’s brother. 

The brand platform is also accompanied by a new visual identity for both organisations. Adjustments have been made to the logos, brand colours, and typography - all with their own unique connections back to Terry’s story and to align with this new, bolder tone. 

"Terry Fox continues to be a beacon of hope and unity for Canadians everywhere and we are deeply moved to be a part of this special project. The resilience we've seen from our loved ones impacted by cancer, especially our brother Gord, inspired us to get involved to help bring an end to cancer and help continue the work that Terry started 45 years ago." said The Tragically Hip.

“Forty-five years ago, my Uncle Terry’s relentless courage and determination united Canada and it’s that same bold vision that is the driving force behind the MOHCCN. While the goal to achieve my Uncle Terry’s dream of a world without cancer is an audacious one, the path is clear and through this national network we can finish what Uncle Terry set out to accomplish.” says Kirsten Fox, Terry’s eldest niece and director of community development for BC & Yukon at the Terry Fox Foundation.

“Through TFRI’s MOHCCN, we are entering a new era of cancer research in Canada. This brand platform reflects our confidence in precision oncology being the way forward to finish Terry’s mission and bring an end to cancer as we know it.” said Kelly Curwin, chief communications officer, Terry Fox Research Institute.

"Terry Fox is the only figure who could bring together Canada’s brightest cancer researchers, institutions, and icons in a united front to end cancer. This campaign is a tribute to his enduring legacy - a truly Canadian effort that proves, for the first time, the finish line is in sight. We’re honoured to help tell this story and inspire the next generation to ‘Finish It’ together." said Peter Ignazi, chief creative officer, Diamond.

The ‘Finish It’ platform was developed by Canadian creative agency, Diamond, including the platform concept, the short film, as well as the new visual identity for both the Foundation and Research Institute. 

‘Finish It’ launches at a critical time for the Terry Fox Foundation and Research Institute who have recently launched MOHCCN. For the first time at this scale in Canada, the MOHCCN is uniting Canada’s brightest scientific minds, in a national movement committed to finishing Terry’s fight against cancer. Bringing together patients, clinicians, researchers and donors from institutions across Canada allowing unprecedented collaboration to drive research and innovation, helping position Canada as a global leader in precision oncology

“Finish It aims to capture the spirit of what Terry did in 1980 - powerfully unite the country in the fight against cancer and provide an overwhelming feeling of hope,” adds Denise. “Terry wanted every Canadian to be a part of his Marathon of Hope, and this is a labour of love powered by the same determination, generosity, and collaborative spirit that defines our country.”

The campaign includes broadcast placements, social and OOH, with the film also airing at Cineplex, in-game at Scotiabank Arena and during CTV’s broadcast of the Super Bowl pre-game show.

In addition to Diamond, who led the creative development, Agnostic, supported across Public Relations, Cairns Oneil facilitated the media buy, Scratch supported on Digital and Oui L’Agence supported on French-language social.

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