‘No More Knives LDN’ was directed by Carly & Will in partnership with Lives Not Knives with words by poet Maya Sourie
In 2018, a knife crime epidemic swept through the heart of London, with many young lives getting caught up in the indiscriminate and often deadly violence.
The fact is, last year was a most violent year, with government, police and communities themselves proving unable to stem the bloodshed.
While lives continue to be lost, directors Carly & Will decided to embark on a journey creating No More Knives LDN. Teaming up with the extremely talented 17 year old South London SLAMbassadors winner, Maya Sourie, they set about creating a powerful piece of poetry that would provoke debate and discussion amongst young people by challenging the conception of what it means to carry a knife.
Cast by Tytiah Blake, who specialises is in street casting, they gathered a cast who have all in some way been affected by knife crime, with some losing friends or family members.
Shot on 16mm film by the talented cinematographer Joel Honeywell, they created a thought provoking piece of film that weaves together threads of art directed symbolism, interpretive dance and raw performances of people affected by knife crime.
This film has been released in partnership with Lives Not Knives, a London based youth charity working with young people affected by knife crime and is premiered on Dazed and Confused.
Sadly the most recent death was only five days ago. Carly and Will hope that by sharing this film far and wide they can save young lives and enable them to reach their full potential.