In our latest employee spotlight, we caught up with DENTSU CREATIVE US's graphic designer Luis Valencia. He shares his passion for type work, his biggest career accomplishment thus far and advice he would give to his younger self.
Q> How would you explain your job to a small child?
Luis> My job is to create nice images. I work with brands like Oreo to enhance their image.
Q> What is your biggest career accomplishment thus far?
Luis> My biggest career accomplishment so far is being selected for the “Best Type Work” in the Latin American Design Awards.
Q> Tell us about your career path. Where did you start vs where you are now?
Luis> Everything happens for a reason. I started my career at an agency that ended up not being a good fit for my skillset and career path. I left the creative world for a job in retail. However, I never gave up on my personal creative side projects. Continuing to pursue those projects ultimately brought me to New York City to study at Type@Cooper. While studying typeface design, I started my new career at 360i as a Graphic Designer. I’m happy to share that I've gained my confidence back and have been blessed to work with some of the most amazing people in the advertising world.
Q> What advice would you give to your younger self?
Luis> Never stop believing in yourself and keep moving forward because there is a reward for you in the future. Also, exercise more!
Q> What was your dream job when you were younger?
Luis> To be a rockstar.
Q> How did you get into type work?
Luis> After University I started doing a little bit of Calligraphy and Lettering, but it wasn’t until I got accepted in Cooper Union at New York City to do the Type@Cooper Extended Program that I started my type education. That helped me to do more projects related to type.
Q> What is your favorite typeface you've created?
Luis> Definitely Sempiternal is my favorite and the one I’m most proud of. As a designer, I always feel like my work needs some tweaks here and there. I would love to do an Italic version and maybe also a Stencil one. I’ve been working on it for a whole year and staying up until 4 am to complete it.
Q> What is your go to font when options aren’t available?
Luis> That’s a hard question. I believe that choosing one is always dependent on the project. But Futura, Lato and Bodoni are nice ones.
Q> This or that? Sans or San Serif
Luis> Hmmm, another hard question! I really like Sans Serif types, but I will go with Serif.
Q> What TV show are you currently binging?
Luis> Haikyuu!! It's a show about volleyball.
Q> If you could meet someone famous, who would that be?
Luis> Right now I would love to meet Louise Fili.
Q> What is your theme song?
Luis> That's another hard one. I can't think of any right now. But I just saw this movie called “Arlo the Alligator Boy,” and there is a song in the movie called "Beyond These Walls” that I liked. So I will go with that one for now.
Q> Share with us one thing that makes you happy?
Luis> I know this is cheating, but I need to tell you two things: my cats, Atlas and Perla.