What if you had limitless control of the world around you through your smartphone?
Ubisoft, in collaboration with their 360 communication agency BETC, has made this fantasy a reality with the launch campaign of its next game Watch_Dogs.
In this video you'll see some amazing - and sometimes hilarious - reactions from people who unwittingly partook in this experiment, where a friendly salesman takes them from turning off lights to causing a terrible car crash.
So if a mobile phone salesman offered an application to hack electronic devices around you: ATM, cars, traffic lights ... what would you do?
Agency: BETC Paris
Agency Management: Jean-Charles Caboche, Tiphaine Du Plessis, Thomas Boutte, Damien Clanet
Creative Director: Stéphane Xiberras
Artistic Director: Benjamin Le Breton
Assistant AD: Antoine Coucoureux
Copywriter: Arnaud Assouline
Traffic: Agnès Rollin
Producer: Michel Teicher, Tatiana Pierre
Production House: Rita Films
Sound Production: THE
Director: Cécilia Verheyden