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Exploring Perspectives on Culture and Media in an Increasingly Personal World

Advertising Agency
New York, USA
Havas sits down with Seema Patel, global managing director, Mx Intelligence, and Anna Sanmiguel, global intelligence director

Over the past four years, Havas has researched how consumers’ expectations of media have evolved amidst turbulent times. In 2020, against the backdrop of the pandemic and international calls for racial justice, its surveys revealed the growing expectation for rigorous and transparent fact checking and publisher support of social issues. In 2023, Havas saw another shift in expectations, as consumers increasingly wanted brands to deliver for them personally amidst the unstable backdrop of their daily lives.  

Now, in 2024, Havas is continuing to track this evolving narrative with its latest research study: 2024 Society Says: Consumer perspectives on culture and media in an ever-increasing personal world. 

Havas sat down with Seema Patel, global managing director, Mx Intelligence, and Anna Sanmiguel, global intelligence director to discuss the societal themes that are impacting citizens’ lives, the media channels that are most meaningful, and how advertisers and publishers can meet expectations for responsibility. 

Q> How would you sum up the shift in consumer behaviour that the research revealed over the past year?  

Over the past year, consumer behaviour has shifted from a broad focus on societal issues and the greater good to a more pronounced emphasis on personal benefits. While trust, transparency, and ethics continue to be top of mind and concerns about societal themes like diversity, equality, and sustainability remain, consumers are now prioritizing issues that directly impact their daily lives. Brands, media, advertisers, and publishers that deliver personal benefits are viewed more favourably, reflecting a desire for immediate, tangible value. 

Q> Can you talk about the methodology of this research? How did you ensure that you surveyed a representative cut of society across gender, generations, and geographies?  

The research utilised an omnibus study through a third-party global panellist to gather data. We surveyed 6000+ people across six markets that were regionally represented to ensure a comprehensive understanding of consumer perspectives. We made efforts to ensure the sample was representative across various demographics, including gender, generations, and geographies. Sampling techniques ensured that different segments of the population were adequately represented, allowing for insights to be representative of broader global audience. 

Q> What did you find most surprising about these findings? 

One of the most surprising findings is the continued dominance of TV as the most trusted and factually accurate media channel, despite the general preference for digital in our future-leaning society. This highlights a nuanced consumer landscape where traditional media still holds significant value and trust. 

Q> What media channels are most resonant and meaningful with consumers in today’s landscape? 

In today’s media landscape, the most impactful and meaningful channels are those providing personal benefits and trusted information. For instance, social media is highly valued for its ability to simplify, connect, bring happiness, enable self-expression, and introduce new ideas. TV is particularly meaningful for older demographics, offering entertainment and escapism, and is universally recognised as the most trustworthy and factually accurate channel. Other digital channels, like Video on Demand (VoD), are favoured for their entertainment and engagement capabilities, while consumers turn to search engines for educational content. 

Q> How can advertisers and publishers meet these expectations for responsibility? 

Advertisers and publishers can meet consumer expectations by: 

1. Ensuring Accuracy and Trustworthiness: Providing accurate, fact-checked content. 

2. Ethical Data Use: Being transparent and ethical in data usage. 

3. Supporting Social Causes: Actively supporting social issues and demonstrating a commitment to societal good. 

4. Personalisation: Tailoring content to meet the personal needs and preferences of consumers. 

5. Transparency: Maintaining clear and honest communication to build trust. 

Q> Do you have any predictions for where consumer perspectives are headed in 2025 and beyond? 

Looking ahead to 2025 and beyond, it will be interesting to see which direction the economy heads and how, in turn, people’s definitions of value for money and stability evolve. Consumer perspectives and high expectations are likely to continue evolving towards a blend of personal relevance and societal impact, and will continue to intensify if brands, media, advertisers, and publishers don’t respond in turn.  

Predictions include

1. Health and Wellness Expansion: Emphasis on prioritising health and self-care will continue to grow, recognising that health and wellness encompasses numerous facets and elements. 

2. Continued Trust in Traditional Media: TV and other traditional media may retain their trustworthiness while incorporating digital integration. 

3. Ethical and Transparent Practices: There will be heightened scrutiny on advertisers and publishers to uphold ethical standards and transparency. 

4. Future-Oriented Consumers will Accelerate AI Integration: The forward-thinking nature of people and their preference for new-age digital media will drive integration of AI. Artificial intelligence will play a larger role in media and advertising, necessitating careful management of ethical considerations and consumer trust. There will also be an increased demand for personalised experiences as technology advances. 

Overall, the future landscape will be shaped by the balance between personal benefits, ethical practices, and technological advancements, with consumers demanding more from brands and media in terms of both value and responsibility. 

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