In two dynamic promo spots directed by Billy Corben, and produced by MOIRAI Films, with post-production excellence by TELEVISOR the Meta showcases how technology can enhance sports experiences.
The first spot was shot in the fascinating locale of Barrow, Alaska—the northernmost town in the United States—where basketball serves as a vital community bond. Collaborating with Wieden+Kennedy London and featuring Alissa Pili, this ad highlights how Meta Quest delivers the NBA courtside experience, bringing fans in Barrow directly into the heart of the action.
The second spot shifts to New York City, revealing the challenges and passion of Los Angeles Lakers fans in an unfriendly territory.
Navigating NYC while sporting Lakers merchandise might be daunting, but Meta Quest levels the playing field. By transforming any environment into an NBA arena, fans can now indulge in an authentic courtside experience that vividly places them in the heart of the action, overcoming geographical and social barriers.
These groundbreaking spots showcase how Meta Quest goes beyond the confines of conventional viewing.