Brand Jordan’s latest campaign, directed by rubberband., is a four spot series of intimate basketball portraits that bring the cinema back to advertising. Shot on 4-perf 35mm film and lensed by Pat Golan, rubberband. expertly crafts each film with its own distinctive voice. The quietly confident films feature Elias Konaté Dazi and Laura Kechichian and were developed in the spirit of a documentary but with nuanced narrative, magical realism and a surrealist bent.
In 'DNP' a barrage of friends storm into an injured player’s room, and begin to play in the claustrophobic space; a player’s socks magically dart away from her in 'Socks.' Opening on a massive wide shot in 'Range', a player makes a nearly effortless 16 story free-throw, while a few onlookers laugh at a player unable to control the basketball in his tiny stilts for 'It’s The Shoes.'
The collection embodies what rubberband. do so well as filmmakers blurring genre lines and formal boundaries to create something tasteful, elevated, artful, rooted in an emotional truth and elevated in execution. The films leave the viewers surprised in the most satisfying ways.