Cute dogs and stumpy Corsicans – it’s an irresistible combination. A new photography project from Carmichael Lynch brings them together in order to mark the birthday of Napoleon Bonaparte – and the result is Napoleon Dynamite
Dogs With A Napoleon Complex saw agency employees bring in their short four-legged friends to star in a photo shoot where they were dressed in the style of the diminutive ruler. They piled into the agency on August 15 to pose for the portraits. Each photograph comes with a small description of the entitled pooch and their regal ways.
The project is the latest from The Carmichael Collective, an on-going venture from Carmichael Lynch, an advertising agency based in Minneapolis, MN. The Carmichael Collective was founded to allow the agency to get stuck into projects which allow creativity for creativity's sake, and past projects include a pixelated censorship towel, an anatomically correct dissected piñata, and bug memorials.
To see more of the imperial pooches go