This is the story of a young mermaid, alone in the depths of the sea, longing for a prince charming to spend her life with.
This is the story of a sailor, who falls into the sea, bringing hope to this young mermaid that her love story can finally happen.
This is also the story of a lifejacket that makes this love impossible, leaving this mermaid alone forever, as long as sailors wear it.
This is 9 months of collaboration between the SNSM (the National Maritime Rescue Organization), Publicis Conseil and Wizz, who worked hand in hand on this ambitious project.
Nearly 25 graphic designers and 3D animators have teamed up with Publicis Conseil’s creative team to produce this film, worth the work of the biggest animation studios. The SNSM (the National Maritime Rescue Organization) launches each year off the French coast over 5,200 interventions and rescues nearly 8,000 people.
But today it’s a message of prevention that the SNSM delivers: the sea is dangerous and being safe starts with the simple action of wearing a life jacket. This film also has the objective of raising awareness on the organization and generating donations, as they are almost their sole source of financing.
The campaign airs mid-November on TV, cinema, digital, and digital outdoor.
You can view the stunning animation in the video below:
And also check out a making-of video: