Following the success of his animated short LILITH & EVE, which premiered as part of Tribeca’s official competition earlier this year and received a Vimeo Staff Pick, director Sam de Ceccatty has officially joined the prestigious Partizan Studio roster.
LILITH & EVE is a satirical adult comedy animation created by director Sam de Ceccatty and producer Manon Ardisson, in which Eve meets Adam’s first wife and equal, Lilith. BAFTA-winner Aimee Lou Wood (SEX EDUCATION) and Susan Wokoma (ENOLA HOLMES) voice the title roles. Since its Tribeca premiere, the short has been selected to Academy Award qualifying festivals internationally (full list below) and was a Vimeo Staff Pick.
Sam de Ceccatty is a French-American, writer and director who created branded content for Fujifilm, the Paralympics and BP among others. He comes from a graphic design background and directs both live action and animation. His short films also screened in Oscar and BAFTA qualifying festivals worldwide, and he is a winner of BBC Comedy Writers’ Room, featured on the BBC Talent Hot List.
Sam de Ceccatty, Partizan director says, “I am proud and honoured to be joining the Partizan roster. Being counted among such amazing directors is a bucket list moment. I am thrilled to be working with the Partizan Studio team, and look forward to meeting brands and agency creatives who want to create off-beat irreverent comedy content.”
Duncan Gaman, Partizan Studio EP says, “Lilith & Eve is a joy to watch. As the adult animation and comedy market continues to grow, it’s more important now than ever to represent talents such as Sam. He’s a brilliant animator and writer, with a skill for comedic and thought-provoking works. We’re thrilled to have Sam sign with Partizan”.
LILITH & EVE Festivals and Awards