Today, we navigate an ocean of data, from market to media consumption, pre-test/post-test, digital interactions, audience analysis, and social media reports. But to build a creative strategy, only one will break the surface.
Beyond uncovering this pivotal revelation, the challenge lies in making it rigorous enough for planners, intuitive for creatives, and tangible enough for brands to embrace and follow through.
It’s not what’s out there, but how it connects
A few years back, it was common for creative agencies to interrogate random people through vox-pop street interviews to take the pulse of what people are truly thinking about. Today, while the proliferation of data sources presents new opportunities, it also makes navigating them more challenging and can easily overwhelm a strategy department.
It is important to understand that data isn’t some magic wand we can wave around and transform every number into actionable insight overnight, especially if we don’t want the same insight as our competitors.
It might take time to mine and refine, but by multiplying sources in a clear brief framework, data will help planners go further into their research and gain greater accuracy. And the moment we cross this exhaustive data research with brand and market knowledge, something clicks to bring the right data to creative teams.
Since each data has as many interpretations as interpreters, it is key to have the right people on board who can make it actionable in the advertising process and more importantly – specific to the market, the consumers, and the problem we are trying to solve.
One of the main challenges for successfully transforming raw data into a creative strategy is the ability to bring a variety of profiles on board. Globally in creative agencies, the easier it is to digest for everyone and the less we enter the complexity of the data process, the better.
Project teams need reassurance of utility and methodology to face a potential client defiance.
For planners, it’s about compiling knowledge to have an exhaustive view and be able to pick the right signals.
Creative will look for a new starting point and won’t care too much about data itself.
Our business is learning and there are new frontiers we need to reach. With the widespread adoption of AI, it will become much easier for various agency profiles to be able to play with data. The recent announcement of CoreAI at Publicis Group is going into this direction by offering a platform tailored for every role to optimise their process, facilitate collaboration, enhance exploration, help find inspiration, improve analysis accuracy, and unlock new usage. By simplifying data access and adoption at scale, agencies will not solely improve efficiency, they will also empower many roles in their daily tasks to build more creative campaigns.