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Curatorial Committees Announced for 2022 AICP Show: The Art & Technique of the Commercial and AICP Post Awards

New York, United States
Multidisciplinary panels of renowned creatives and artists will return to in-person deliberations as deadline extension is announced

Matt Miller, president and CEO of AICP, today announced the composition of the Curatorial Committees for the 2022 AICP Show and the AICP Post Awards. The Jury presidents and curators at Large, comprising the Curatorial Committee of the AICP Next Awards, were announced previously. Mal Ward, partner/managing director at Arts & Sciences, is the chairperson of the AICP Show; Yvette Cobarrubias, co-founder and managing partner of Cosmo Street, is the chairperson of the AICP Post Awards; Scott Donaton, VP, marketing at Hulu, is the judging chair for the AICP Next Awards.

The Curatorial Committees are comprised of a diverse array of industry leaders from all disciplines that contribute to creating marketing in the moving image. The Committees are the final piece of a bifurcated judging system that begins with a series of panels with experts in various fields from around the globe, nominated by their peers, who judge work across their respective categories. The AICP Next Awards Judging Chair selects Jury Presidents of each category, who in turn select their respective judges. The Curatorial Committees then serve as the final arbiter of the awards, confirming eligibility and appropriateness to category, as well as selecting the Best in Show for each competition.

Each show that comprises the AICP Awards suite is a global competition. The late entry deadline is April 4th – for more details, click here. Winners for each will be announced during AICP Week events this coming June, as AICP returns to New York with live events and celebrations. 

“I’m always humbled by what it takes to properly judge over fifty categories across three world- class crafts competitions. There are many respected leaders who freely give their time and expertise to review and evaluate work submitted from all corners of the world. If you don’t feel the magnitude of what they’re doing, and the enthusiasm they have for our industry, then just check your social feeds,” said Matat. “Mal, Yvette and Scott have thoughtfully assembled these groups of professionals from across the full spectrum of our industry to ultimately assemble the final shows with real curatorial decisions to make. Let the games begin!” 

The AICP Show Curatorial Committee

“When I look at this ridiculously talented list of Curators, it’s like I’m looking at the Justice League,” said Mal of the 2022 AICP Show Curatorial Committee. “This is an amazingly diverse group of expert craftspeople, creators and just all-around great humans from the agency, production, post and client side. Their curation of the work will only serve to make this year’s AICP Show exceptional. And the fact that I’ve come up through the years with many of them makes it all the more rewarding and sweeter to share their presence and contribution this year.”

In addition to Ward, the AICP Show Curatorial Committee comprises: Justine Armour, chief creative officer, Grey New York; Matt Aselton, director, Arts & Sciences; Nathy Aviram, chief production officer, McCann; Scott Bell, chief creative officer, Droga5; James Bland, partner/executive producer, Arts & Sciences London; Jacqueline Bošnjak, CEO/co-founder, Q Department & Mach 1; Richard Brim, chief creative officer, adam&eveDDB; Ali Brown, president, PRETTYBIRD; Jason Campbell, executive creative director, Translation; Rich Carter, president/executive producer, brother; Sally Ann Dale, partner/head of all content, Droga5; Jane Dilworth, founding partner, Work Editorial; Amy Ferguson, chief creative officer, TBWA\Chiat\Day NY; Anna Hashmi, founder, executive producer, The Corner Shop; Geoff Hounsell, partner/editor, Arcade Edit; Matt Hunnicutt, head of content, Meta Reality Labs; Marie Hyon, co-founder/director, PSYOP; Eric Kallman, chief creative officer/partner, Erich & Kallman; Jason Kreher, chief creative officer, Accenture Interactive; David Lee, chief creative officer, Squarespace; Erika Madison, head of production, Anomaly LA; Tabitha Mason-Elliott, head of production, partner, BARK BARK; Sara Matarazzo, partner/executive producer, Walker Music; Lisa Mehling, president/owner, Chelsea Pictures; Steven Monkarsh, founder/president, In House Reps; Julia Neumann, chief creative officer, Johannes Leonardo; Matt Pascuzzi, creative director/VFX, The Mill/MPC; Brandon Pierce, executive creative director, Hulu; Avelino Rodriguez, partner/executive producer, The Lift; Eric Stern, managing director, Anonymous Content; Orlee Tatarka, head of production, Wieden+Kennedy Portland; and Stacy Wall, founder/director, Imperial Woodpecker.

The Post Awards Curatorial Committee

“In putting together our Post Curatorial Committee, I wanted to assemble a panel of experienced curatorial vets along with some incredible first-timers, to create a diverse and distinguished group,” said Yvette about her selection process, “and I’m fairly certain I hit the mark!” 

“This group possesses a keen understanding of the importance of post and how all of its disciplines, from editorial to color, effects, design and audio, play an integral part in the success of any project,” Yvette added. “I’m going to lead our discussions by encouraging fearlessness, honesty and a real sense of dialogue. Everyone’s voice will matter and ensuring that all have the opportunity to weigh-in with their thoughts, in a respectful and safe space, will be of paramount importance.”

In addition to Yvette, the Post Awards Curatorial Committee includes post artists from a range of crafts. Serving on the committee will be editors Jen Dean of Cut+Run, Chris Franklin of Big Sky Edit, Meg Kubicka of Whitehouse Post, Craig Lewandowski of Utopic, Ali Mao of Arcade Edit, Brandon Porter of Nomad Editing and Tom Scherma of Cosmo Street. Also on the committee will be colourists Quinn Alvarez of Apache, Sofie Borup of Company 3 and Jessica Vile of Vilé Colour; sound designer and mixer Julienne Guffain of Sonic Union, music producer and composer Georg Bissen of MetaTechnik and executive producer Gloria Pitagorsky of Heard City; and VFX artists Jessie Amadio of The Mill and Mateus De Paula Santos of LOBO, and Vicky Osborn, creative director/visual effects supervisor, Framestore. On the director front, Jess Coulter of O Positive will join. Participating from the agency side are Melany Esfeld, head of integrated production at Barkley, and Daniela Vojta, executive creative director at BBDO. Rounding out the committee is and brand marketer Cliff Skeete , global executive creative director of Vistaprint. 

The AICP Next Awards Jury Presidents & Curators

The AICP Show and Post Awards Curatorial Committees will be joined in their top-level deliberations by their counterparts at the AICP Next Awards, which honors achievement in new and emerging media. Under Next Awards Chairperson Scott Donaton’s leadership, the juries will be led by a group of industry professionals who in turn selected the jury members for their respective panels. 

This line up includes Shannon Pruitt, global chief content officer, Stagwell Media Network, Branded Content & Entertainment; Ronald Ng, global chief creative officer, MRM, Creative Data; Andrew Carlson, chief experience officer, Organic, Digital Experiences; Karan Dang, executive creative director, Yellow Shoes, Experiential; Judy John, global chief creative officer, Edelman, Influencer; Jae Goodman, CEO, Observatory, Innovation; Atit Shah, chief creative officer, Digitas North America, Integrated Campaign; Bill Oberlander, founder & chief creative officer, OBERLAND, Purpose Driven; Bianca Guimaraes, partner & executive creative director, Mischief USA, Real Time Engagement; Tatiana Holifield, head of social media, brand, Hulu, Social; and Guto Araki, founder and chief creative, and Big Family Table, Web Film.

Joining the jury presidents are several Curators at Large, who will work with jury presidents to determine the final disposition of the AICP Next Awards, as well as select the Most Next (Best in Show) honour. This year’s Curators at Large include past AICP Next Awards Judging Chairs such as Gerry Graf, co-founder, Knickerbocker Slapglobal; Jeff Kling, founder & chief creative officer, Lightning Orchard; Jaime Robinson, co-founder & chief creative officer, JOAN; and Tiffany Rolfe, global chief creative officer, R/GA. Additional Curators at Large are: Teressa Iezzi, director of content, The Farmer’s Dog; Marc Maleh, VP, creative studio,; Allen Mask, partner, West Cap/CöLab; James Robinson, chief creative officer North America, Momentum Worldwide; and Jimmy Smith, co-founder, chairman, CEO & chief creative officer, Amusement Park.

Established in 1992, The AICP Show is the most important advertising showcase in the US dedicated to excellence in craft. The AICP Post Awards, which debuted in 2001, honours excellence in a wide range of post production crafts and disciplines. And the AICP Next Awards, launched in 2007, highlights the winners of the 14 Next categories, which honour innovative marketing communications. The AICP Show and The AICP Next Awards are preserved in The Museum of Modern Art’s Department of Film’s state of the art archives for future generations to study and are available for use or exhibition by the museum’s curators. All individual works and each year’s shows in their entirety can be viewed exclusively at, the AICP Awards Archive website, while past winners of the AICP Post winners can be viewed at

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