Future Group's CENTRAL has launched a unique and mesmerizing Facebook Augmented Reality Camera experience that allows users to transform their face to a Katkahali dancer’s face. Built by digital and creative tech agency alivenow, it was launched on the occasion of CENTRAL opening their flagship store in Trivandrum.
Consumed in Facebook mobile app’s camera, hundreds of users have already tried the Kathakali AR filter which adorns the user with beautiful face paint and a stunning 3D crown. The brand has integrated giveaways for the Kathakali AR filter campaign resulting in many customers earning vouchers as the new store opened. Future Group has been at the forefront of using innovative creative tech and digital tech solutions to engage with their audience, and this example of Kathakali Augmented Reality filter is just one instance. Earlier this year, they launched India’s first Facebook AR game during the soccer world cup.
Commenting on this innovation, Mr Vishnu Prasad, CEO, Future Lifestyle Fashion said, "Dynamic photo filters have become a rage today, where it makes it so easy for us to convey our message in a way that’s memorable and fun. Fashion is also about having fun and expressing yourself. So, the Kathakali AR filter made a great tool for us to engage with our customers. And the Kerala-specific ‘local’ touch added that extra zing! "
alivenow, who built this Facebook AR experience have been working on Facebook’s AR Studio platform since its launch. They were recently part of India’s first Facebook AR Day where they showcased some of the interesting AR filters they’ve built for brands globally. Adhvith Dhuddu, the CEO of AliveNow shared, "Facebook AR Camera Filters has opened up unique engagement possibilities for brands. The Kathakali AR filter is one our favorite and by far the best AR filter we’ve lunched to date. We couldn’t have asked for a better integration than for the Trivandrum store launch, as it fits the campaign objective perfectly.”