To support the Sidaction’s 2021 weekend which will take place on March 26th, 27th and 28th, WNP and Birth are supporting the association. With the health crisis, the world has stopped. The fight against AIDS has not been spared, with the consequences of lockdowns and impact of the crisis, a drop in HIV testing, an increased risk of infection and a heavy impact on the world in the next two years.
The film 'Waiting' directed by Birth's talented director Ben Lacour immerses us into the intimacy of a house, with lockdown's evocative atmosphere. A world on pause with personal or international events postponed or cancelled, but there are things that can't wait, emphasises the voice-over (Mélanie Doutey). A vibrant call to support the association with donations, essential to its multiple struggles, from help in the field to funding research.