The new Lotto Powerball story revolves around a close-knit family of four siblings who come together at their childhood home to fulfil a strange last request from their late mother. What looks like a get-your-hands-dirty job to get the house ready for sale, turns out to be something entirely unexpected.
Fiona King, Managing Director at The Sweet Shop New Zealand said, "What I loved most about this script was the original concept of such a bold and heartfelt gesture by the mother. It offered the opportunity to develop a strong emotional narrative. Once again, this was a true collaborative partnership with DDB that allowed us to make a film that brought to life how lives can be changed by Lotto. We couldn’t be more pleased with the outcome.”
DDB Chief Creative Officer, Damon Stapleton, says the 90-second film is a continuation of Lotto NZ’s ‘Imagine’ brand platform launched in July 2015, which is once again directed by the award-winning Steve Ayson from The Sweet Shop.
“This whole journey began with a key insight,” says Damon. “We’ve all dreamed of what we would do if we ever ‘won big’ — pay off mortgages, chuck in the day job, take amazing holidays and so on. But would we really? We found out through talking to Lotto NZ that the reality of what big winners do is quite different – they instead chose to help others, friends and family."