Created by independent creative hotshop UltraSuperNew, ‘Power Up’ is set in the heart of Tokyo, where four children embark on an adventure powered by Bazooka Candies. Eating the candy creates a cheerful fusion of flavour and fun, and they experience a thrilling 'power up' transformation, unleashing their inner heroes in an explosion of imagination. From light-speed dashes with Sliderz Push Pops, to a break-dancing pixelated world with Juicy Drop Pop and Gummies, and a fashionable twist with the Ring Pop, the candies invite the kids into their vibrant world and empowers them to embrace their creativity.
Bazooka’s brand proposition of Edible Entertainment has always been committed to bridging the two worlds of flavour as well as fun, something that sets them apart from their competitors. It’s this purpose that leads them to encompass the virtual and physical worlds, and to be a bit more than just another candy.
Robert Dry, international marketing manager, Bazooka said, “At Bazooka we create brands and candies offering our consumers great tasting interactive treats which are loved by Children worldwide. This new creative approach brings this to life by building on the insight that todays youngsters do not differentiate between their physical and digital environment, for them it is simply a world to discover. This campaign is also a new approach for us in bringing all our brands together under the platform of Power Up! which allows us to create scale for our campaign which can be translated to all our touch points with consumers”.
Rodrigo Marinheiro, creative director, UltraSuperNew added, "We started from the assumption that being a kid is already fun enough, and anything can become a moment of play. So the question was raised: Is there a possible way to make it more fun? Can candies be sweeter than just taste? Yes. Adding the playfulness of Bazooka candies reinsured what we already knew– in a kid’s mind, they can be everything at once–heroes and their true selves…Taking the “Play level” to the MAX. ( 遊び レベル MAX (Play Level Max)"
The campaign runs until 11th May.