BANG Music + Audio Post in New York City wrote the '80s-inspired theme for new series 'Super Maximum Retro Show', from Jimmy Kimmel’s Kimmelot and ITV America. The series, which is based on the @Super70sSports viral Twitter feed, launched on Tuesday, March 7th. Ricky Cobb is behind the Twitter account - comedian Chris Distefano serves as host.
BANG composers Timo Elliston and Brian Jones mined their own childhoods to craft the retro sound from the early synth era of game and sports themes.
According to Elliston: “After digging up the old synth sounds, one of the fun things we did to get the retro sound was, I brought in my dad’s old cassette recorder. And I had a bunch of old cassettes from the 70s and 80s, so we mastered all the music on this dusty old cassette. At first, we kind of did it as a laugh. But, it really made a difference. I know we have ways to emulate this sound digitally now, but there‘s something about actually putting it on an old cassette that just seemed right - and definitely makes a difference.” (Listen to Theme here).
Next up for BANG and Elliston is Season 2 of Amy Schumer’s Hulu series, Life and Beth, which is just starting post production.